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Industrial pollution trillion market opens in the enterprise competition mode or the raw variable

Time:2017-12-25 View:7997
New environmental protection law of the implementation, orderly progress was made in reform of emission permits, projects judicial interpretation fraud into the punishment, the environmental monitoring data is proposed, and the environmental protection supervision by overseers to DuZheng overseers enterprise pay equal attention to, such as enterprises, both for industrial pollution formation of reversed transmission. During the 13th five-year plan period, the industrial pollution turning point will open up two trillion market space. Over the next decade, the rise of BOT, ROT and OM mode will become the main mode of industrial enterprises. At the same time, the industrial pollution concern will shift from the end of the management to the cleaner production upstream, with the potential for the creation of billions of governance companies.
Different from capital barriers in the field of municipal wastewater treatment, technology and management become the key elements of industrial pollution, cost-effective technology solutions with a high level of management services will be environmental protection enterprise‘s core competitiveness. From the international experience, from industrial pollution in the future also will affect the environment of conventional pollutants such as COD, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., to trace organic pollutants, to influence the ecological safety and human health pollutants. The research and development of technology and the perfection of the management system and the innovation of the management system at the park level will be the challenge for industrial decontamination enterprises.
Industrial pollution is facing new reform and management requirements
Emissions of industrial wastewater can be generally big, management difficulty is high, especially at the provincial level and industrial park industrial park under the prevalent substandard effluent discharges of industrial wastewater treatment, and is limited by local protection mechanism, technology, management, industrial park had been the "blind area" of the pollution control.
China petroleum and chemical industry federation research in chemical industrial park, points out that when our country has certain safety, environmental management level and the effective measures of chemical industrial park is less than 100, less than 1/10 of the total. In the chemical industry wastewater treatment, there is a general situation of low index rate, in which the production wastewater of epoxy resin enterprises is basically in the state of long-term excessive emission.
In December 2016, the environmental protection department issued the notice about implementation of industrial pollution source discharging standard comprehensive plan ", put forward by the end of 2017, steel, thermal power, papermaking, printing, dyeing etc. Eight industry standard plan to obtain apparent effect; By the end of 2020, all kinds of industrial pollution sources will continue to meet the standards, the environmental governance system will be more robust, and the environmental law will become the norm.
In September 2017, the environmental protection department issued the task to promote industrial agglomeration area water pollution governance plan, the requirements of the local people‘s government and park management institutions to finish an article 10 of "water", and proposed to build facilities for central treatment of sewage and install automatic online monitoring device is the bottom line requirement of water pollution prevention and control of industrial agglomeration area.
In addition to the policy level, at the management level, below the provincial environmental protection agencies to monitor the vertical management system reform of inspect and enforce the law, will push to solve the current is given priority to with blocks of problems existing in the environmental management system, is advantageous to the environmental protection responsibility clear, decompose and implement the target tasks, arouse the enthusiasm of local party committees and governments and relevant departments, etc. In the past two years, the high intensity of environmental supervision has been transformed from the governor to the supervisor, and the environmental requirements have been put into practice.
The trillion-dollar market opens, and industrial pollution enters the fast lane
Environment, according to data from the statistical yearbook "twelfth five-year" period, our country industry environmental protection in a total of 2.94 trillion yuan, of which "three simultaneity" construction project investment accounted for 48%, exhaust gas treatment operation cost accounted for 28%, operation cost accounted for 11%, waste water treatment of the old industrial pollution control investment accounted for 12%, waste running costs accounted for 1%; The total cost of waste water, waste gas and hazardous waste is 40%.
However, during the 12th five-year plan period, industrial environmental protection accounted for 2.57%, 2.62%, 2.76%, 2.88% and 2.84%, respectively. While the trend is growing, it is much lower than the real demand for environmental governance. It is understood that the environmental protection of industrial enterprises account for more than 10% of the output value, so as to solve the environmental problem.
During the 12th five-year plan period, the average annual growth rate of industrial production in China was 4.6 percent. By the end of 2015, the industrial added value of the industrial output was 34.3 percent, with the industrial production value accounting for 12 percent of GDP. According to the development plan for petrochemical and chemical industry (2016-2020), the annual growth rate of the chemical industry during the 13th five-year plan period is 8%.
In industrial added value of the average annual growth rate of 4.6%, chemical industry, the average annual growth rate of 8%, environmental protection investment accounted for 2.8%, 4.2% for measuring basis, conservative forecast during the period of "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in", industrial environmental protection investment in China will reach 4.68 trillion yuan, including chemical industry environmental protection investment will reach 1.89 trillion yuan.
Under the pressure of policies, laws, regulations and standards, industrial waste water, waste gas and hazardous waste management will enter the fast lane, and the environmental input of the 13th five-year plan will exceed two trillion yuan.
The concentration of pollution in industrial parks becomes the focus of environmental protection market
Industrial parks play an important role in China‘s reform and opening up process. From shekou industrial zone set up in 1979, to 1979, our country has reached more than 590 national industrial park, industrial park at or above the provincial level for more than 1700, under the provincial industrial park of more than 7000, a total of about 1 m. At present, industrial parks have become the pillar of local economic growth. For example, in the case of chemical industry park, the industrial output value of 502 chemical industrial parks in China accounts for 56% of the total output of petroleum and chemical industry.
In 10000 industrial park in the country, however, by more than 70% of industrial park is under the provincial industrial park, the industrial park in creating economic value also has a serious environmental problem, the industrial park of concentrated pollution become the focus of environmental protection market.
Whether it is involved in environmental protection in the field of listed state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises, foreign environmental protection enterprises, environmental protection enterprise, or has the technical solutions of small and medium-sized enterprise environmental protection, a lot of environmental services to industrial park a quality service to customers as a future key objects, in the hope through differentiated services share market cake.
Suez, for example, the present for our 11 large industrial park to provide professional services, water and waste treatment and in this year to 3.2 billion euros for the GE water treatment companies, will build an unparalleled industrial water treatment solutions and services platform, to provide the comprehensive environmental solutions.
BOT, ROT, OM mode will become the main mode of industrial enterprises
As a common business model of municipal wastewater treatment, BOT, ROT and OM have been widely used in industrial parks after 2010.
In 2013, the author discovered that more than half of electroplating industrial parks in nearly 100 electroplating industrial parks in China adopt the third-party governance model. Chemical industrial park, jiangsu and zhejiang region such as the Shanghai chemical industry park, development zone of changshu, taixing economic development zone and other widely used third party governance model, in the central and western underdeveloped areas are also learning to manage better industrial park in this mode.
However, the mode of BOT, ROT, OM and other modes are rarely applied in industrial wastewater treatment areas, which are mainly industrial enterprises. Statistics from the national development and reform commission show that at the end of 2013, less than 5 percent of the social operations of domestic industrial enterprises were socialized.
In the new "environmental protection law, carrying out orderly progress was made in reform of emission permits, projects the judicial interpretation fraud into the punishment, the environmental monitoring data is proposed, and the central environmental protection supervision strength under the background of an unprecedented, especially has a large-scale industrial enterprises and size industrial enterprises also gradually began to adopt BOT, ROT, OM mode, by party b to party a, the enterprise environmental management to the third party company. For example, in 2016, huaxing chemical co., a pesticide company, used ROT mode to transform its sewage treatment facilities, and commissioned a third party to operate it for 15 years.
Head seems to be in the enterprise, USES the third party governance model, and without too much thought to the third party operation to the enterprise or the pressure of rising costs, but to put energy into commercial production and operation, in the continuous‘ manufacturing to improve the quality of products and technology. It can be said that the third-party governance model has achieved a win-win situation.
We have learned, at present a lot of environmental protection enterprises are actively with some larger scale, the size and the ability to pay good leading industrial enterprises to negotiate third-party governance mode, BOT, ROT, OM mode or will become the main mode of industrial pollution.
How will environmental companies compete in the next decade?
Change from end governance to cleaner production
According to a number of environmental protection enterprises, the industrial pollution control market has been turning point. In 2013 and 2014, the industrial pollution from the point type acceptance to the long-term effect acceptance standard, the marketing of environmental enterprises also shifted from relationship marketing to technical marketing. Especially after 2016, in the backdrop of the environmental supervision, industrial enterprises and industrial park, the attitude of the pollution treatment has had the fundamental change, change from passive to active pollution treatment of the pollution treatment, industrial pollution market around the corner.
In the next decade, we believe that industrial pollution will be driven by two wheels. The first round is the next three to five years, and the market demand will be dominated by end-effused emissions. Second round will be the future 5 to 10 years, with the end of the first round of the task, the market will usher in the upstream process optimization, reduce costs, create positive effect, through clean production and green development to reduce the backend environmental treatment costs will become the core focus of enterprises. The two wheel drive will cross each other and become the main demand and direction of industrial pollution control market in the next decade.
Cost-effective technical solutions and high level management services will become the core competitiveness of environmental enterprises
Development is the core of industrial enterprises, and the cost of environmental protection is still the core factor of industrial enterprises. North China pharmaceutical industry enterprises, has said, head of wastewater treatment in operating cost and the ratio of operating income is more than 10%, plus the cost of waste treatment and atmospheric, pollution cost is higher. Therefore, it is the core competitiveness of environmental enterprises to occupy the industrial pollution control market.
At this stage, industrial wastewater, especially fine chemical wastewater, is the most difficult waste water to dispose of, and it is not yet seen in the market of cost-effective solutions for achieving stable and standard emission. Although many individual technologies have advantages, solving the pollution problems of industrial enterprises often requires the effective integration of many technologies such as physics, chemistry and biology.
From the international experience, from industrial pollution also will affect the environment of conventional pollutants such as COD, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., to trace organic pollutants, to influence the ecological safety and human health pollutants, such as remobilised, antibiotics, etc. It is necessary for environmental enterprises to occupy the industrial pollution control market by improving their ability to solve problems through technological research and development and technical reserve.
At the same time, under the new governance model of industrial pollution, operation management and service level also become the core elements of environmental enterprises development. According to sun minghua, executive vice President of suez Asia, the company‘s rapid expansion of the industry in China‘s industrial pollution industry is mainly due to its advanced technology and rich experience in operation management.
From international experience and Chinese market demand, it is different from the capital barriers in municipal wastewater treatment, and technology and management become the most important elements of industrial pollution control.
There will be tens of billions of enterprises in the field of industrial pollution in the future
According to the survey, in addition to the listed environmental protection enterprises, the size and size of industrial pollution enterprises are relatively small, which is mainly subject to industrial pollution and the output ratio is far lower than that of municipal government. As the above analysis, the core competitiveness of industrial pollution is technology and management, rather than capital and resources. The difficulty of industrial pollution control leads to few enterprises offering cost-effective solutions.
The survey also found that most industrial decontamination enterprises have a less than 10 percent success rate. But compared with municipal areas, the market for industrial pollution control is larger, and the cost of water treatment of tons of water is from tens to hundreds of yuan, which is much higher than that of municipal sewage treatment.
Industrial pollution market open to ready technology reserves, environmental protection management company to provide broad space for development, as a new management mode of promotion, we have reason to believe that in the next decade will be born in the field of industrial pollution level new billions of management company, this often epitaxy expand to the field of industrial pollution from listed company also can be seen.